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Several backers had issues receiving their bonus content, and the content also had a similarly brief sale on the PlayStation 4 version through the PlayStation store where players who bought it were permitted to keep it before the listing was removed. Since the game came out back in May, Savini Jason has been a point of contention for players due to the way that it was released and the individualized attributes that it came with. donated to kick starter but did,nt get savini jason gun media if you are reading this give me a free savini jason skin really mad about.

You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Calling it a skin would imply that it has purely cosmetic changes, and while it definitely changes the way that Jason looks, it also gives him his own set of strengths and weakness like the other Jason versions do. donated to kick starter but did,nt get savini jason gun media if you are reading this give me a free savini jason skin really mad about.

The Savini Jason is a skin that was supposed to be exclusive to those who backed the game during the very early phases of development, but it's really much more than a skin.